Svenska menyer |
2012-07-25 The menus are not updated to version 2.0.2 which has better, more descriptive names. Otherwise, no changes. New pictures coming as soon as I get time! |
Picture of the program (KDE4 GNU / Linux)
Picture of the program (Windows 7)
File menu
"""Hash sum" Computes the hash sum of a file of your choice.
"Compare" Compare two file hash sums to check if files are identical.
"Compare with a given hash sum" compares the file you choose with a given hashsumma as you type or paste in the program.
"Create hash sum list" creates a list of text and / or PDF format with the name and the hash sum of the files you choose.
"Create hash sum lists, recursively" create hash sum lists in all folders that contain files with the files hash sum. The program creates hash sum lists in all subfolders. Creates a list of text and / or PDF format with the name and the hash sum of the files you choose.
"Create Debian md5sums" creates the special md5soms file as a Debian package needs. This menu is not used when the program runs under Windows.
"Create Debian md5sums (auto)" creates the special md5soms file as a Debian package needs.The entire process is automated, it requires that the folder structure looks like this:
and that you select the folder "usr" when running. This creates the file "md5sums" automatically in DEBIAN. This menu is not used when the program runs under Windows.
Text menu
"Hash sum" Computes the hash sum of a word or text that you input.
"Compare with a given hash sum" Compare a given hash sum with text as you enter.
Edit menu
"Find changes" looking for changes. The program compares the old hash list, and notes "Changed Files", "New Files", "Files not tested" and "Unchanged files"..
"Copy Hash Sum" copy the hash sum to the computer's clipboard. (You can also double-click on the hash sum!)
"Copy Path" copy the path to the file or files that you calculated hash sum on to the computer's clipboard.
Algorithm menu
You select the hash algorithm.
Tools menu
"Check for program updates at program start" means that the program will automatically check the server on after updated version each time you start the program.
"Save hash sum lists where the files are" means that you automatically save text files and / or pdf files with hash sum in the same folder as the files examined.
"Default file name" means that you select a default file name that will be used when you save the list of checksums. If you leave this blank file name depends on the choice of algorithm. If you select "md5" that algorithm, the default file name to be "md5"
"Write date and time in the hash sum file" means that the date and time calculations were made will be specified in the hash sum file.
"Use native dialogs" means you can choose to use the operating system's built-in dialogs "Open" and "Save" or use its own. This setting does not affect Windows users.
"Allways open the home directory" Innebär att Du kan välja att alltid starta i din hemmamapp. (Standard är senast öppnade mapp).
"Save as text (*.*)" means that the hash sums are saved as a text file.
"Save as pdf (*.pdf)" means that the hash sums are saved as a pdf file. (example)
"Save as text and pdf (*.* and *.pdf)" means that the hash sums are saved as a text file and as a pdf file.
"Color pdf" means the text is colored to make it easier to read.
Language menu
After changing language.
Help menu
"Help" link to this help.
"About" about hashSum.
When you checked for updates.
When you compared two files.
After you created a list of hashsummor, saved in a text file. You are reminded by the program for each file. ("Edit" -> "Copy path" copy path to the computer's clipboard.)
After I checked in all the folders and create text files and / or pdf files with hash sum in all folders that contain files.
When you want to see if something has changed in one or more folders.